You command a HIVE OF BEES. You might be made of bees, your body might act as a hive, you might just be a beekeeper. Who am I to say.
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Start with: 20,000-odd bees, a stockpile of honey, a tiny crown, intimate knowledge of bee law, immunity to stings and insect bites
A: Hive Mind, Stinger Strike
B: Apian Augury
C: Paralyzing Prick
D: Wannabees
Hive Mind: Your bees follow you wherever you go. You can perceive through their senses, provided they are CLOSE to the centre of your hive (within 5ft). They will carry out your telepathically-communicated instructions, to the best of their ability.
Stinger Strike: Your bees can inflict wounds. CLOSE enemies will suffer 1d4 damage, those further away a measly 1.
Apian Augury: You can view the world through one of your bees no matter how far away they are from you.
Paralyzing Prick: Creatures stung by your bees now become incapacitated for a round unless they beat a save.
Wannabees: By commanding your bees to organise themselves into the shape of a certain object, you may use them as though they were that object. Not too shab-bee.
Character Quirks (1d6, or choose one):
• You have an incredible sense of smell.• You can generate as much (s)warmth as a summer's day with a minute of focus.
• You're an expert dancer.
• Your beeswax can bind as glue.
• You can buzz as loud as the average person can yell.
• You don't have to fall asleep to rest.
Many thanks to iemcd and the denizens of the #glog-ghetto on the OSR discord for their help.
Any and all feedback, feelings, and grievances would bee much appreciated. (I know these puns sting.)
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