Monday, February 6, 2023

1d30 Trinkets and Oddities for Adventurers of All Sizes

A trove of trinkets, an assortment of oddities, a bevy of baubles, a cache of curios. All ideas free to a good home—appropriate for an interesting additionial starting item, a peculiar prize stolen or won, rounding out a vendor's wares, or whatever other purpose one might see fit.

Mateusz Wiśniewski
  1. A coin of the highest local denomination, with two heads.
  2. A full-sized trombone, nonetheless able to fit into any pocket or container.
  3. A frog, able to record and repeat messages up to one sentence in length; can only hold one at a time.
  4. A jar, containing a very annoyed bat, refilled at any reputable swooprat breeder.
  5. A double-ended flask—any liquid poured out one side comes out perfectly chilled, out the other scalding hot.
  6. A pair of leather boots that make not a sound.
  7. A dead snake, ~10 yards in length (works surprisingly well as a rope).
  8. A startlingly convincing mask of the local mayor's (or other city official) face.
  9. A taxidermy model of a small animal that probably doesn't exist.
  10. A pair of dice enchanted to only ever land on 1 or 6.
  11. A small hand drum that plays itself to match the beat of music around it.
  12. A bottle of perfume that smells like its wearer's favourite scent, cranked up to 11.
  13. A questionably authentic letter of authority from the local duke, painfully vague in what it permits.
  14. A pocket mirror.
  15. A music box, containing a famous hymn. Painfully loud.
  16. A stolen satchel, bearing the official seal of the Courier's Guild.
  17. A pack of gold-leaf playing cards, including jokers, blanks, and a double-back card.
  18. A gold medal, its inscription long worn off.
  19. A deeply heretical prayer book, proscribed in all lands of the Church.
  20. An expensive locket, containing nothing but a daguerreotype of a frog.
  21. An adjustable wrench, caked in rust.
  22. A hat, always just a bit too large for any bearer.
  23. A hot air balloon license, with the PC's name spelled slightly wrong.
  24. A set of wind chimes that generate a small breeze when rung (warning label—"keep out of wind.")
  25. A diary that writes about its owner's day by itself.
  26. A clockwork mouse—makes noise, can travel ~10 yards before stopping, and must be wound before use.
  27. An address book of folk-healers and local wise ones.
  28. A wanted poster, depicting someone who looks just like you.
  29. A pickled pinky finger, supposedly that of a famed saint.
  30. A pair of glasses that don't improve the bearer's distance vision, but instead let them see regardless of conditions.