The DESERTER is one of the most-viewed posts on this blog, ever — an ex-soldier, one who ran away from it all, leaving their life as far behind them as they could get it, a class for Arnold K's Goblin Laws of Gaming. It drew on a few different inspirations, first and foremost that of G. R. Michael's Zouave; it remains among the most popular things I've ever posted, nearly three years on.
I've had thoughts about zines for a while. Self-published, small, DIY — it has a definite appeal, with zines remaining a common enough format for tabletop RPG "content", especially with Kickstarter's annual Zinequest. It's something I'd long wanted to try my hand at, in some fashion or another. A month or so ago (yes, that's how long it's taken me to write this) I decided to give it a go, at long last, using some old work of mine. I trawled through my backlog and landed on the Deserter as a good fit, especially with the original post's inclusion of possible backgrounds. I remembered a format I had seen used before, for SaltyGoo's Cradle of the Gods (a collection of deities), which takes only a single A4 page.
After a few hour's experimentation, playing around with design and layout and content (and some furhter trial and error with cutting and folding), I arrived at what I'm calling the final product, at least for now. Not sure if I'll ever see someone else use it, but I found it an enjoyable and enlightening experience, one that I may yet follow up on.