Saturday, June 12, 2021


You are a devotee of Caelis, the Smith, endowed with a fragment of his power either through intent or accident—you may have drawn his attention, forged a pact, or simply swallowed an odd bit of metal. You do not necessarily worship him—indeed, many have turned their back on the G_ds of old—but you follow in his path nonetheless.

By Raymond Swanland

Starting items: smith's tools and leathers, a sacred icon, a medium weapon, a surprisingly portable anvil, 3d4 bits of thumb-sized metallic junk
Skills: metalwork and (1d6): appraisal, architecture, percussive maintenance, bartering, clockwork, scripture

A: Blessings of the Forge, Reshape
B: Artisan's Gifts, Kindling
C: Steel-Saint
D: Reforged

Blessings of the Forge: You may infuse up to [template] items with magic at any given time; the process takes an hour of constant prayer recital. Blessed objects never rust nor tarnish, cannot be damaged by mundane means, and count as magical.

Reshape: You can mold metal in your hands with the ease and accuracy of soft clay. Anything crafted this way is liable to fall apart after 1d6 uses.

Artisan's Gifts: You may replicate any object in metal perfectly, provided you have the original to hand. The process takes minutes for simple things smaller than your hands, hours for something more complex or about as large as an arm, and days or weeks for the largest or most intricate work.

Kindling: You can rub any two flammable objects together in between your palms to set both alight, at no immediate risk to yourself.

Steel-Saint: Damage dealt by blessed objects scalds as boiling water. You may transmute earthen materials (soil, rocks, bone, so on) into workable metal—a fist-sized quantity in a minute, a light sword's worth in 10, &c. It is weaker than natural ore, but just as usable for your purposes.

Reforged: The flame has altered your soul and body alike. Mundane fire is no longer dangerous to you, and objects bearing your blessing strike with all the force of a falling anvil.

𝟭𝟯 𝗔𝗡𝗗 in the earliest days, when Man was but an idle thought, the G_ds did wrest from Chaos the reigns of creation, and the Void they did fill. The Mountain was raised by the Daughters of the Earth—Keldat, Maken, Isla, Tarn all—and at its peak was raised the City now called Heaven, that place of bounty now marred by War. And in that City were made wonders, true works of the divine, beyond the design of the finest craftsmen and beyond the mind of the highest King of Kings among all on earthen soil, each a miracle in its own. 

𝟭𝟵 𝗔𝗟𝗦𝗢 among their number, those architects of the Sacred City, stood the Firesoul, the Smith, He Who is Called by the Heat of the Forge; that divinity known in the True Tongue by the clang of the hammer; in the old speech of the first peoples, Klissian; and in the common tongue of those born in the wreckage of the Scattering, Caelis.

𝟮𝟬 𝗛𝗘 shaped the fruit of the earth as none other, not merely reshaping it but forming it anew in whole, creating new substance from the ancient and molding it as he pleased. By him were forged the weapons that slayed Those Who Came Before, before the birth of the Mountain and its Heaven—the blade of Nazgas, the powerful one swung about the head of Tel'turon, the mighty bow lost-to-the-ages—and within the City his works were many. Grand palaces of iron, mighty towers as tall as the Mountain itself, new constructions, unlike any come before; to list his works would be as futile as the singing of his endless praises.
—Excerpts from Lebor Breth-Sleev ags a Bhailid, The Book of the Birth of the Mountain and its City, translated in the year 724 by Brother Benedach

A GLOG-ish spin on one of the more tolerable 5e subclasses, albeit with a number of creative liberties. Kindling stolen from deus ex parbaked's Manufactory. All feedback appreciated, especially on the ~faithposting~ at the end.